Goal: $2.2m
$1,321,502 (204 commitments)
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As a society, we have all gone through a whole lot of change between the pandemic and everything else in the news the past few years; we in particular have experienced a lot of change because in addition to these things, we also graduated from law school, started new careers as lawyers, and got married. As a result, we’ve had a lot of conversations about what we want our future to look like and our priorities, and one thing that has been clear in all of conversations it that we want to make faith and church a priority in our lives and in our future.

To accomplish that, we went church shopping for a community that reflected our values and our faith, and when we found Foundry, we knew we had to go all-in to start growing a new part of our lives. We started volunteering, created a new small group, and began tithing. We knew that if we wanted our faith to be a priority, we had to walk that talk. In the year or so since we made our commitments to Foundry, we’ve seen God work in amazing ways—helping connect people to services they need, forming new relationships, and bringing people back to church who had felt burned by Christianity in the past.

We are still figuring out what our future looks like. We are still figuring out what our faith looks like. The one thing we have figured out is that Foundry is going to continue being our home and a priority in this next chapter of our lives. Our decision to start something new in our lives has grown into something solid, flourishing, and positive. We’re looking forward to seeing all the ways God will continue using Foundry for years to come.

With gratitude,
EB and Christian Hatten

Foundry United Methodist Church Washington, D.C. logo

1500 16th St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20036

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